Whero has been in our family all of his life. His daddy moved to Australia when he was just a wee pup and Whero was left with his 2nd daddy, Terry.
Terry was a bit of a koretake dad too. He kept going to jail too many times and Whero was left to be raised by his Aunty Jess, and Uncle Hayden. Nash, a little squeaky Maltese has been his playmate and friend most of his life.

Aunty Chakani would pick up both Nash and Whero and take them for walks all the time. Whero was so used to his aunty, he'd jump the fence every time he heard her car coming along the road.
Last night and this morning she visited with him. Whero tried to rush to her but only his front legs would move. He doesn't know what is going on. All he can do is try to crawl to give Chakani kisses and cuddles.

I can still see you racing through my house when you saw Tinkerbell, our cat. You scared the heck out of her! You left a trail of destruction trying to get to her. Poor Tinkerbell, I don't think she'll miss you - you almost killed her. :(
Even when you were a hōhā - like running away. I'm sure everyone on the FB lost and found page know you by heart from all the searching we did for you.
It was no problem to you - you didn't know the fuss you called.

Whero contracted a spinal disc disease. No one knows when or how he contracted the disease but it has become a wee bit too sudden for us. He was paralyzed on Friday and the vet tells us he is in pain. Euthanisation is Whero's most compassionate option because even if he was taken to a specialist, there is no guarantee that he will get better. The tears in Whero's eyes tell us how much pain he is in.

His home family have arrived home from Australia yesterday and last night he spent his last night with those who love him.
Moe mai rā Whero, you beautiful beautiful boy.
We love you. We will forever love and miss you.
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